20$ hourly rate
Prices are estimates based on hourly rate
Terms of Service
Things I will do;
Canines, felines, fantasy, any animal if supplied with a reference.
Fantasy creatures, dragons, griffons, etc.
Original characters (MUST supply a reference/description!)
Reference sheets for characters
Creature concepts
machinery or human made objects humans
Things I will not do!
sexually explicit scenes, some nudity, lewd /suggestive themes are permissible.
extremely graphic and violent scenes, some gore is permissible
If you have any questions, please contact me. Nudity/gore will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
anything against a certain group, I will not do sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other form of discrimination.
I have the right to refuse service to anyone.
Due to recent events, I want to make it clear that under no circumstances is my artwork, commissioned or otherwise, to be minted and sold as an NFT.
If you are interested email me with;
What type of commission you would like
Character references, pictures of subject matter or description.
A description of what you would like
If interested, email me at denecethesyloce@gmail.com with a description of what you want drawn and what type of commission you would like. Once a price and time frame is agreed upon and a work agreement is signed I will start the commission. Payment can be all upfront, or in stages. For larger commissions over 100$ I require at least a 25% initial payment upfront. Payment will be done through PayPal. I will invoice you with the amount due at each stage. Number of payments can be altered.
Example time line:
Thumbnail: small drawings to establish composition. First deposit. ~1-2 week turnaround.
Sketch: I will send you the basic sketch for approval, any major changes must be made during this stage. Second deposit. ~2-4 week turnaround.
Flat coloring/basic lighting: This stage is to ensure the lighting and colors are heading in the desired direction. Third deposit. ~4-6 week turnaround.
Final approval: Painting done/near done, this stage is for any last minute changes or details to ensure satisfaction. ~6-8 week turnaround. Final payment will be done at this stage.
Final piece: I will send the final piece via email. May request certain formats (PDF, jpeg, png etc.) Will send a full resolution unwatermakred image. If you would like, I will also send a lower resolution watermarked image that can be used for reposting purposes. The lower resolution and watermark are to prevent theft of the piece.
You may request updates at any time. Time frames are approximate and may change depending on circumstances, I will be sure to notify you in case anything comes up. Times frames also vary depending on type of commission and complexity.
Ongoing work/comics: I am also open for longer on going projects like comics. Each week I will invoice you the amount due. Turnaround times can be negotiated but generally for comics I can do 1 page a week. Price will depend on hours put in and what type of work you want done. Can do backgrounds, flatting or entire comic pages.
Termination: You may cancel at any time, for any reason. Refunds can be negotiated until the coloring/lighting stage. At this point I will no longer allow refunds. If requested, I will send you the unfinished piece. No refunds once the completed piece is received.
The image can be used as you like, but cannot be;
reposted and claimed as your own
signature cannot be altered or erased
resold for profit
minted and sold as a NTF.
Due credit must be given for the artwork
My major is paleontology and this major requires a lot of field work. Therefore, there will be extended amounts of time where I'm completely unavailable. These dates will be posted and you will be informed when I'm leaving and when I will return. I'm sorry for any inconveniences.
(c) Denece the sylcoe
100$+ per page
Comic Page
Complex Sketch
Complex Illustration
Concept Art
50$+ per page
Comic Backgrounds